ssp / about
Studio Sven Pfeiffer is a Berlin-based architecture studio active in the fields of architecture, research and education. By combining architectural knowledge, digital information and innovative materials, we develop strategies for a more sustainable practice. In our work and research projects, we are pushing the boundaries of contemporary practice towards research into new design and construction methods. We work in an extended network of academic and industrial actors, combining innovative digital workflows with traditional architectural approaches. We educate, publish, and organize exhibitions and workshops to share our insights with a future generation of architects, other researchers and the general public.
ssp / work
ssp / contact

Studio Sven Pfeiffer
Karl-Liebknecht Straße 9
10178 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 20 67 46 76
Prof. Sven Pfeiffer
Digital Design, Planning and Building
Department of Architecture
Bochum University of Applied Sciences
Am Hochschulcampus 1, D-44801 Bochum
ssp / jobs
SSP is currently looking for motivated students of architecture or engineering / young professionals for a variety of research projects. Experience in Rhinoceros3D, Robotics, (visual) programming a plus. We are looking forward to your applications (max 5mb PDF)!