The publication „Engage with Fungi“ presents networked scientific, artistic and civil society research projects undertakein by our SciArts Collective MY-CO X in the period 2020 to 2022. In this unique collaboration with experts from the Department of Applied and Molecular Microbiology at Technische Universität Berlin, concepts for fungal-based biomaterials were jointly developed for the use of bio-based materials in architecture.
The book has been published as openaccess and can be downloaded under
DOI 10.14279/depositonce-15894
Enjoy reading!
@tu_berlin @ub_tu_berlin @hybridplattform @wissenschaftimdialog @biooekonomie_de
@birkeweber @tinybeofficial @frie_ho @corneliasaalfrank @neukoellneroper @erikgong @hausderstatistik
#engagewithfungi #mindthefungi #fungilove #fungiart #bioart #artscienc #tuberlin #artinberlin #berlinart #mycelium #morphology #artomics #mitkunstzentrale #openaccess